Rick Simpson Oil

Sku: SA1263

THC Content : 60%-70%




Buy Rick Simpson Oil Online Europe

Rick Simpson Oil is a full-spectrum extract (also known as a whole-plant extract), meaning it still contains all the cannabinoids of the plant, including THC, CBD, flavonoids, proteins, and other compounds. Also known as Phoenix Tears for its healing properties, is similar to CBD oil except that it contains a higher THC and CBD ratio. RSO is among the most potent medical marijuana concentrates currently on the market with a 60%-70% THC content, although this can vary slightly by the plant.

RSO has proven to help relieve the effects of different types of cancer, such as skin cancer. In addition, it is recommended for the treatment of skin problems, pain, and nausea. Rick Simpson Oils can be inhaled via Dab Kit, ingested or applied topically.

How to Use Rick Simpson Oil

Rick Simpson oil offers a variety of consumption methods you can choose from. Some ways to administer it include

-Topical application: You can apply the oil to an area of your skin by spreading it lightly over it.

-Ingestion: Swallow RSO in a liquid straight from the syringe, or take it in a capsule form. Capsules are your best bet if you need an exact dose, but a carefully-controlled syringe can also work.

-Edibles: You can mix RSO into foods such as peanut butter, avocados, or yogurt. Bake it into a dish with lots of liquid ingredients, such as a cake or brownies, or mix it with a sauce and drizzle it over your food. These items are all ideal ways to mask the strong flavor, and taking it with food can help increase your body’s absorption rate.

-Drinking: Freeze individual doses on parchment paper, then drop them in your coffee or tea, or use it in cooking as you do with cannabutter or cannabis cooking oil. Consuming RSO results in slower but longer-lasting effects compared with other methods.
-Smoking: Some types of RSO can be smoked or vaped, but not if it has been extracted using a flammable solvent. It’s best to get oil for smoking or vaping from a reliable supplier using other extraction methods.

Rick Simpson Oil

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