YES. We ship small and large orders in a single shipment than what is listed on our product page. This again is to ensure, and maintain our perfect record and safety when shipping to our valued customers. You can however, order multiple orders on our page at once.
If a customer uses their correct address your package will arrive always without problem. When a customer changes their address after we have shipped your order we cannot change it as all our packages are one way trips that are non-returnable. Currently we have never had a package got missing when a customer follows instructions.
We use a unique “stealth” and TRIPPLE VACUUM SEAL packaging that prevents customs from finding what’s inside, even if they open the package to inspect. However, there is no mention of marijuana on the package. We use stealth packages on all packages for the safety of our valued customers and they will never have any problems with customs
We have been operating for years and have never once had a client get in trouble or have any police problems. Also, we do not keep any incriminating long-term records. So, our team works to ensure your safety. However, remember to be discreet on your end as well.
Yes. Once you complete an order , we will register your package for shipping and then give you tracking number.
Yes. We understand the desperate nature of people for cannabis product , so we offer worldwide delivery .
For you to make an order with Big Weed Market, You MUST be 19+. We do not sell to people below 19 years .